Protect the (indoor) climate and save energy

Pleasant temperatures

When the sun is really at its peak in the summer and starts producing record temperatures, this is of course a cause for celebration. But there is also a downside: living spaces can soon become unpleasantly warm, especially if they have large windows. But even when it's 35°C in the shade outside, you can look forward to a beautifully cool home when you return from work, shopping or a trip out. That's because even when you're out, sophisticated sensor technology enables your roller shutter control system and awning to detect when the sunshine is too intense and it's time to close or extend respectively. In this way, not only are you protecting the contents of your home from ultra-violet rays, which can adversely affect floors, fabrics and plants, but you are also saving the expense of an energy-intensive air-conditioning system.

Study on the development of indoor temperatures in living spaces

Meterologists are predicting Mediterranean temperatures for Central Europe in just a few years. According to climate calculations, by 2045 there will be almost 100 days with indoor temperatures of at least 26 degrees. There are already countermeasures to protect living spaces from overheating: automated roller shutters and sun protection. During the day, the living spaces can remain at a pleasant temperature and, depending on the season, the heat can be kept outside or let in. The film deals with the findings of a study by the “Ingenieurbüro Hauser” (IBH), which was carried out on behalf of the „Repräsentanz Transparente Gebäudehülle“. For an active contribution to combating global warming.

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Study on the development of indoor temperatures in living spaces (

Ecologically responsible

A further benefit is that in winter your roller shutters reliably keep the cold outside and prevent precious heat being lost via the windows. This takes the pressure off both your heating system and your wallet: You can achieve an energy saving of up to 15 percent with automated roller shutters. Everyone is a winner – and that includes the environment as well as future generations.

Qualitative investment

You won't increase the value of your property just by improving the energy balance. There is also an immediate payoff in terms of enhancing your quality of life. You may be sitting on the sofa or at your desk when the sun moves low in the sky and dazzles you unpleasantly. All it takes is a quick click of the mouse and the roller shutters or awning will automatically rectify the problem.

Tip: Be encouraged!

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy encourages the replacement or initial installation of external sun protection systems. A motorised sun protection system can optimise the level of radiation – and the ministry believes that this is something worth encouraging. You can find out more information about this in the flyer, along with things that you need to consider when making your application.